We try to use as little lingo as possible … But here are a few words we use a lot!


We use the term “Resource” in reference to any asset you document with Artemis. Some of the most common resource types are scripts, databases and models. All resources documented with Artemis appear in your Resource Catalogs.


Networks are where you diagram how your different Resources relate. Please note that they’re different from Pipelines. Networks are prefect for exploring a new idea and document your process.

However, if you want to create a set of processes that you’ll run multiple times you should create a Pipeline to document both structure and the parameters/results of each run.


Every time a Resource appears on a Network we call that an Instance of said Resource.

For example, you may have one script used over and over again in different ways throughout a project. You can document each Instance separately, capturing its unique context, even though it’s the same resource.


Like Networks, Pipelines let you visualize how Resources relate. Unlike Networks, however, Pipelines let you capture parameters/results each time you run the process you’ve diagramed.

Levels of Organization

Artemis helps your organize your teams and their work.